Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Nine weeks and piano

Well, today Chunky Monkey is 9 weeks old! He has found is smile, and I absolutely love it!! It still takes some prodding at times, but there is nothing better then having his eyes light up and his cheeks go all squishy, just for me!!

And I finally did it. I've been teaching piano to my neices and nephews for about 3 years now (I taught them piano and they watched Munchkin while I was working). As Munchkin has gotten older, she has sat and played on the piano more and more. She loves the preset songs and the recorded primary songs I put on there. (We have a Clavinova, which is a digital piano. It feels like a piano, and it looks like a piano, but it is a keyboard with voices and recording and stuff...I love it!) She will sit at the piano and say "I'm going to pactice!" (Her r's are still not there! It's so cute!) So yesterday, I decided that it was time. I was going to try piano lessons.

She was thrilled!!! She sat there for 20 minutes and did everything I asked her to. And afterward she said, "Mom, that was so much fun!" She practiced three more times, and then when dad came home, she showed him everything she had learned and she was so proud of herself. I was really hesitant to do piano lessons with her, because I wasn't sure if she would really focus, or if it would just be play around time with mom. But for now, it's working wonderfully. I guess we'll see how long that lasts!

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