Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well, it's official! I have a dancing princess! We went to her first dance class this last tuesday. After ho humming about cost and time, and came across a 3-5 year old dance class that through the city rec (Yeah on cost) and it's only once a week (yeah on time!) rather than two or three times a week. She wanted to look just like a ballerina, but she didn't want to wear any tights, and so this is what it came out as:

She was so excited. There were 6 little 3 and 4 year olds, and they all had a blast. She's been practicing her "First Position" and "Plie" and such all week. The teacher is so cute, too. Munckin had a blast!


Becky said...

How fun!!!!!!!! She looks so cute in her outfit. When we move back to Utah in a few months I really need to send Caylee there! She really really really wants to dance :)

Chrissy, said...

She is so sweet.Love the ballerina look. We are so lucky to live in such great cities with these programs. I love our dance it's just up the street at a friend house.

Chrissy, said...

p.s. The race was great today! 13.1 miles is long!!!