Monday, August 25, 2008

My Big Girl...or is she?

This may be a TMI post, so I'm just warning you now! I get so wrapped up in all the Munchkin is doing and being that I think, "Wow! She is So big and grown up!" that I forget that she is still only 3. She is still a little one. And everyone makes mistakes...even 3 year olds who seem so big.

Sunday was one of those days. Back up a little-Friday night we got a call from the Bishop asking Hikari to speak on Sunday. His speakers had called and were unable, so he had to find someone in two days. Then, Hikari and I had to chaperone the Stake Youth Dance (as he is in the Stake Young Men's) and didn't get to bed till WAAYYY past bed time!! I was exahusted and so was he. Now to Sunday. We go into Sacrament Meeting and Hikari walks to the front, and she already starts to lose it a bit. "I want to sit with Daddy!" I told her that after Daddy talked, she could go and sit with him. Shortly after, she requested to use the bathroom. Of course I can't deny her, as potty requests at this age result in disasters if ignored. (You think I would have thought of that yesterday!) So I packaged up the baby, and the three of us went to the potty only to have her sit there and say..."Oh, there's nothing there," she announced. Within 10 minutes of returning, we went through the same thing. I didn't want to deny her, because I thought maybe the first was a false alarm. We came back with the same result of "nothing is in there."
Then right as Hikari gets up to talk, Munchkin got very excited that he was now talking, and when he was done, she could sit with him. But then turns around and says, "Mommy, I need to go potty!" I asked if she was sure and she thought about it for a minute and said, "No, I don't." And I asked again are you sure you don't need to go?" Her response, "No, I'm fine." I left it at that. I was tired, and if she said she was okay, I wasn't going to push the issue. Boy, was I wrong! During his talk, Chunky Monkey began getting very fussy. I fed him and he quickly fell asleep after only a few sips. He was tired, too. Then just at the part where a husband talks about how much he loves his wife and family is, (am I horrible for really liking that part?) Munchkin looks up at me and with pain in her eyes and a hand on her behind. She strains to say, " you have any new panties for me??" She was trying to hold back but she couldn't keep it in. I stand up with the baby, and we make a dash for the bathroom her hand holding her panties, all the time, knowing I'll need both arms to take care of this, but not knowing what to do with my baby! Upon reaching the foyer, the sweet wife of the 2nd counselor in the Bishopric was in there and saw my panic and offered to take my perfect sleeping child.
We rushed into the bathroom, and lucky us, I had packed an emergency pair of underwear for her for a long day we had several weeks ago, that we never had used, and I had not yet taken out of the diaper bag. I helped remove the offending underwear and associated nuggets, and she sat on the toilet to finish while I pulled out a clean pair of underwear. She saw it, and my half naked child leaped off the toilet into my arms and said "Oh Mommy!! I love you! Thank you so much!"
You'd have thought I pulled out a giant lollipop! We get everyone and everything cleaned up and walked back to the chapel during the closing song. We walked past the 2nd couselor's wife, who had returned to her seat and was more than happy to keep him till the end of the meeting, and Munchkin walked up to daddy on the stand in a new pair of underwear. And I sat by myself in our pew... next to a diaper bag... and a sunday activity bag and no children to interupt me while I sang. At first I breathed a sigh and thought.. finally...a few minutes. But very quickly that few minutes got very boring, very fast. I missed the chaos sitting next to me. Who would have thought!


Becky said...

Gotta love the potty posts! :) Sounds like she is doing great! The twins will be 3 Dec 31, so I can only hope they they will be trained by the time they go into sunbeams but we will see! Hopefully its not a big deal considering they will be the very youngest in class. lol

Chrissy, said...

3 is tricky age when they are learning so much and sometimes seem so big. Especially with a new baby around. But they are really pretty little with the ability to learn big stuff. When i look back at picutres and video of the girls at 3 I think they were so little and I thought they were so big. Just enjoy her little. Good job hanging in there on a crazy Sunday!

mikeandash said...

What a crazy meeting! You just never know with kids. Cute Dancing pictures!

Emily said...

Good job on being so prepared! 3 seems to be such an unpredictable age, doesn't it? Anything can happen and it sure makes life easier when you have all bases covered. :)

Chantele Sedgwick said...

Thats hilarious! That is awesome that she will go on the potty. Caden wants nothing to do with it. Still. He will be 4 in January. I know. It's great.