Sunday, August 17, 2008

Our Harvest

Now, this is a few weeks late, but I just was slow to get the pictures uploaded from my camera. In July, right after we returned from our Family Reunion in Canada, we came home to our wonderful Harvest!! I do NOT have a green thumb.

In fact, when I had Chunky Monkey in the hospital, my sweet mother brought me flowers. They were not cut flowers, it was a potted plant. A week or two after we got home from the hospital, I cried because I had let the plant die, then tried to overwater it to bring it back. It looked sad...very, very sad. I felt such guilt I just wanted to cry. I tried for over a month to revive it, but my efforts were not good enough. My mom came over, and I showed her the mess I had made. I told her I didn't know what to do, and I'm sorry that I let her plant die. She started laughing and siad it was fine and just to throw it out. I still bad.

Anyway, back to the garden. I really was hoping for maybe one tomato, and one cucumer. Just something...anything to show that I had tried. And in June we had out first Cucumber. We also had a few cherry tomatoes.

When we got home from our trip, we had a whole bowl!!! Tomatoes, Cucumbers, and Zuchinni!!!

We now have Green Peppers and Jalapenos, too. I love eating our fresh vegetables every day! I made stir fry last night with a little of everything and a little chicken and it was WONDERFUL! I love it!. Next year, we'll be a bit more daring a plant a few more things.


Emily said...

That's so good of you to grow your own garden! I would love to be able to do that and think I might try next summer. Let me know if you have any tips!!

And your kids are getting so big so fast - they are too stinkin cute!!

mikeandash said...

Good job on the garden!
The pictures of your baby are so so cute! What beautiful kids!

Chrissy, said...

I love cucumbers! We have had no such luck on them the last 2 years I'm going to have to figure it out. Look great.