Thursday, September 20, 2007

Since I got tagged...

Chrissy tagged me on her blog, and since I haven't blogged anything for a couple of weeks, I figured, why not?

1.) What I was doing ten years ago:
Well, let's see, September 1997. That was my Sophomore year of High School. I think I was jsut trying to figure out what High School was all about. That was the year that Hikari and I met.. Wow! Ten years ago! I hadn't thought about that. We met during the school play. We were both in the chorus, and so we would hang out backstage. I had a huge crush on him and wrote about him in my journal: "I met this guy. He's a senior, and he's so cute! He has 7 people in his family, just like me! Today, he brought cookies that he made , they were so good! He can cook AND he sings in Madrigals! I could totally marry this guy!"

2.) Five years ago:
Five years ago, we were just settling in as newly weds. We lived in a Condo in Washington Terrace. In our ward, Hikari was the gospel principles teacher, and I was put into Young Womens, which I moved around in for 4 years from Personal Progress Advisor to 2nd Counselor to President. We were both going to school at Weber State. Hikari was working at Wasatch Peak Physical Therapy and I was working at Barnes Bank.

3)Three years ago:
I was pregnant with Munchkin. We were getting a nursery ready and getting ready for a new baby that January. Hikari got a new job that year working for the University of Utah, and I was still working at the Bank.

4) One year ago:
Things got busy. We decided that we were going to put our house up for sale. I got a new job as an Office Manager in Salt Lake. Our car that we bought when we got married bit the dust. And munchkin was growing like a weed!

5.) Yesterday:
We got to see the baby growing inside of me! We went to the doctors office, and then afterward we went to breakfast before I had to go back to work. It was a good morning. It reminded me how much my family means to me!

6.) 5 snacks I enjoy:
Right now, I wish I can enjoy ANYTHING! But unfortunately, food is the last thing I want to think about!

7.) 5 Things I would do if I suddenly had $100 million:
I would build a garage and finish the basement. And then I would go with Hikari and Munchkin to San Diego to SeaWorld and the Zoo, because we were going to do that this summer...until we decided to buy our house, which cost a little bit more ;)

8.) 5 locations I would like to run away to:
I would love to go to Germany, Japan, Hawaii, Alaska, and England

9.) 5 bad habits I have:
I always wait till my car is on E to fill up, and then get all anxious, because I think I'm going to run out of gas, I ALWAYS hit the snooze button, I forget to check the diaper bag for a change of clothes for my potty training munchkin, setting things aside that I "meant to do later" and forgot about. Interupting my husband when he's trying to talk to me.

10.) 5 things I like doing:
Stamping, Scrapbooking, Playing the Piano, Singing, and going on outings as a family

11.) 5 TV shows I like:
Monk, Psych, NCIS, Numbers, and sometimes Survivor (depends on the season)

12.) 5 things I hate doing:
Laundry, Telling solicitors to leave me alone, breaking an awkward silence, CAUSING an awkward silence, and sending people mean letters for my job.

13.) 5 Biggest joys of the moment:
Looking forward to a new baby, Looking forward to my current baby being a big sister, spending time with my family in the evenings, knowing that my family is safe, knowing that my little sister will be home in two weeks from her mission in Japan!

Now I get tag 5 people: Um I don't who to tag, so anyone that wants to can reminisce like I did!


Chrissy, said...

Thanks for playing! I learned alot that I didn't already know. I didn't think you were even reading mine anymore!
I officially nominate you for the wonder woman award! Pass it on.

Karin said...

teehee, I love reading other people's tags. Like the new look. Even if it is the same as another friend. :-)

Chrissy, said...

Hey I think you should do the tell all Tuesday with us! Check it out.